The well-known journalist Mykola Nesenyuk once again touched on the topic of the impossibility of holding the championship of Ukraine abroad, recalling the idea of a joint championship of Ukraine and Russia, which was present in the media space since a dozen years ago.
"Ten years ago, in the fall of 2012, almost every day there was another news about plans for a joint Russian-Ukrainian football championship. Since I knew that this was impossible, as it violated the FIFA statute, I did not pay attention to it at first. I thought it would be quiet.
It hasn't quieted down. During the next year, here and there, one of the Ukrainian "experts" declared that it was "very interesting". And a considerable number of journalists discussed the Russian initiative with a joyful pig squeal.
Then I realized that it was not just like that. With a football proposal, the Russian side tested the reaction of our football community to the proposed "unification". Because when football fans don't mind, so do others.
At that time, I wrote several times about the fact that a joint football championship is possible only in one case - Ukraine joining the initiator state. But I and a few others who understood everything were not heard then. And in 2014 it was too late. Now nobody remembers that mythical championship. Do you think that you have become wiser?
Back in the spring, I explained, and then repeated, that holding the Ukrainian football championship abroad is legally impossible because it contradicts the FIFA statute. So what? The possibility of holding matches of our championship in Poland or elsewhere is still mentioned here and there.
Well, what is this habit of discussing the impossible? Where is the limit to ignorance?
I will not continue. I will only remind you that the football championship of Ukraine can be held only in Ukraine or not at all. I believe that everything will be fine and the return of football to our stadiums will be complete and final. Because in the war, we protect our football from the "unifiers" along with everything else," Nesenyuk wrote on his Facebook page.
Ніхто нікуди не йде та й не організувує щось подібне, що пропонував Газзаєв з деякими ділягами з Росії!
Думаю, що Несенюк пам'ятає хто в Україні це підхопив, та зі своїм шефом узнавали всі нюанси цього турніру!
А коли зрозуміли, що вони будуть в цьому чемпионаті "шестёрками", то зразу і пропав цей запал!
Из дня на день ожидают объединенный чемпионат Бельгии и Голландии.
Андорра играет в чемпионате Испании
единения чемпионатов Бельгии и Нидерландов, то большой вопрос чего будет больше - позитива или нега-тива от создании объединенной лиги.
Испанская Ла Лига собирается несколько матчей сыграть за границей в США , Турции и ещё где-нибудь
Сравнивать попытку сыграть в "объебол" в 2012 году, как способ зондирования почвы на вхождение Украины в состав говно-империи на правах Губернии. Это было во времена януковича!
Сегодня предложение проводить чемпионат Украины в Польше - ВЫНУЖДЕННОЕ и АКТИУАЛЬНОЕ для того, чтобы сохранить чемпионат и игроков! И даже в условии войны поначалу старались играть в Украине.
Очевидно Несенюку был "прилёт" в голову?