Well-known journalist Mykola Nesenyuk - about the decision of Rivne "Veres" to recruit football players according to the announcement.

"Last week, the football club "Veres" announced the recruitment of those willing to play for the team of this club in the championship of Ukraine. You were not mistaken - people capable of playing football at the highest, at least for Ukraine, level are going to be found by advertising as sales consultants for a new supermarket.
In general, this is not the case - all the people who know how to play football are well-known and practically all of them are either declared for one or another team, or are waiting for offers from the same teams. Only complete ignoramuses can imagine that somewhere there is an unknown football player who is able to perform at a professional level. Or adventurers.
In "Veresa" they have already done so, taking a popular blogger to the team, who worked inside the team and filmed a series about her life. But the blogger did not play football! Football was played by footballers who had reached their level through years of grueling training! It is possible that the aforementioned blogger persuaded the owner of Veres to announce the recruitment of players from the street.
Of course, this news spread around the world and spent several hours on the news feed. And what's next? In fact, the reason for such a somewhat inadequate step by the manager of "Veres" is that football players are leaving the team. They go where they pay more. And there is no advice for it. More precisely, money. In the summer, half of the team left Veres, and in the winter another half left. It will be very difficult to achieve a result with those who have remained, despite the obvious coaching skill of Yuri Virt.
The team with the lowest salaries in the championship is unlikely to claim anything substantial. In order not to be relegated to the lower league, and it will be seen there. To accomplish this task, you should think about the training process and look for football players to replace those who have left and are likely to leave. But do it properly, and not with the help of dubious PR actions. The Veres team, which has made itself respectable over the last year, should not be funny.
Or maybe I'm wrong? Maybe you can really find football players among young drivers, security guards, IT servicemen, etc.? If so, then this experience should be adopted by all others. To recruit from the street, for example, dentists who would not charge as much for treatment as those who are. You say that's funny? So!" Nesenyuk wrote on his Facebook page.