Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Viktor Tsyhankov will continue his career at Girona, the Bombardier telegram channel reports.

According to the source, the 25-year-old football player has already passed a medical examination at this club and signed a contract for four years.
At the same time, Tsygankov's agreement with Girona will take effect from the summer of 2023, when the player's current contract with Dynamo ends and he receives free agent status. Until then, the midfielder will continue to play for the Kyiv club.
It is also reported that the official signing of the contract by Tsygankov with Girona will be announced on Monday.
Let's add that in the current championship of Spain, Girona is in the middle of the championship. After 16 matches, the team is in 12th place in the standings with 18 points (4 wins, 6 draws, 6 losses).