Costa Rica national team player Ronald Matarrita is due to appear at Dnipro-1 this week, the TaToTake telegram channel reports. At the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, this 28-year-old played 44 minutes: 17 against Spain (0:7) and 27 against Germany (2:4).

For the last seven years, Matarrita has played in the American MLS for New York City and Cincinnati. Currently, the Costa Rican is in the status of a free agent.
Nominally, Matarrita is a left-back, but he can play in any position on the flank, including as a winger.
The signing of Matarrita looks logical in view of Busanello's departure from Dnepr-1 and the not entirely clear situation with Yanis Amash. The Dnipro's right flank has already been strengthened by the Brazilian Hainer.