UAF - about the scandalous calendar with a map of Ukraine without the Transcarpathian region: “A mistake was made. The designer

The press service of the UAF responded to the information that last year the association sold a calendar with a map of Ukraine without the Transcarpathian region.

“Friends, we are very disappointed to state this, but an unfortunate mistake was made in the UAF souvenir calendar for the last year, 2022.

On one of the pages of the calendar on the map of Ukraine, the designer managed to "lose" the entire Transcarpathian region. Thanks to the attentive fans who noticed the mistake! We sincerely apologize to all patriots and football fans from Transcarpathia and all over Ukraine for this purely technical misunderstanding!

The designer has already received a reprimand, an obligation to unscheduledly transfer donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and purchase home a huge map of Ukraine, which depicts Transcarpathia, Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and all regions of our native Motherland, which heroically rebuffs the Russian invaders. Once again, we apologize, thank you for your understanding and wish all of us as few mistakes as possible in life and work!” - the statement says.

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  • ROGER MILLA(V.S.O.P.) - Эксперт
    13.02.2023 17:06
    Недолугі потуги відбрехатися виглядають не менш зашкварно ніж сама діяльність цієї каденції УАФ
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