“That’s not how football is played! He tortures himself": Leonenko severely smashed Zinchenko for the match "Aston Villa" - "Ars

2023-02-19 15:09 A well-known football expert and former Dynamo striker Viktor Leonenko spoke about the actions of Alexander ... “That’s not how football is played! He tortures himself": Leonenko severely smashed Zinchenko for the match "Aston Villa" - "Ars
19.02.2023, 15:09

A well-known football expert and former Dynamo striker Viktor Leonenko spoke about the actions of Alexander Zinchenko in the match of the English Championship between Aston Villa and Arsenal.

Viktor Leonenko

“He is everywhere. You just look at how much he does everything superfluous. He plays mainly on clean balls, gets the ball, runs forward, then back with him. Why is he doing this? Because for some reason Alexander needs to seem active.

For me, the worst thing is that after he gives the pass, he walks, and in England everyone has to run like clockwork. As a result, he does not succeed anywhere. I don’t understand why he needs TTD.

He does useless work and tortures himself. Secondly, it slows down the game. That's not how football is played! Well, it’s good that he scored and thus got away with it, ”Leonenko said on the air of the author’s YouTube channel.

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