The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team Ihor Miroshnychenko mentioned the dialogue with Andriy Voronin and Anatoly Tymoshchuk regarding the language.
— I had a conflict story with Voronin once. You know, Voronin, he is like an "adiesite", to rub his tongue. And once he said to me on the plane: "What are you, aunt, in Ukrainian? Can't you do it normally?". I ask him: "What does normal mean?". And just so you understand, Voronin at that moment objected, who would you think?
— Is it Tymoshchuk?
— Yes, Tymoshchuk. He said: "So you play in the national team of Ukraine!". It was such a revealing story, after which I would never have believed that Tymoshchuk could be a traitor. And then he sat Voronin down, and he didn't say anything more. I didn't care what Voronin said, for me the issue of language was fundamental. It is pointless to be the press secretary of the Ukrainian national football team and to speak Russian.
Люди в Україні життя гублять,здоров'я,майно,що роками наживали.
У мене однокласник такий же як і Толік у Криму. І виправдвння у них однакове.
"Нє всьо так однозначно".
каким нужно быть балбесом, чтобы главной причиной того, что в Украине развалили армию, ВПК, силовые и правоохранительные ведомства, судебную систему, экономику и т.д. и т.п., в результате чего она оказалось неспособной защитить свою территорию и суверенитет, начиная с 2014 г., назвать русский язык ?