The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team: "It was a story after which I would never have believed that Tymoshch

2023-02-20 13:30 The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team Ihor Miroshnychenko mentioned the dialogue with Andriy ... The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team: "It was a story after which I would never have believed that Tymoshch
20.02.2023, 13:30

The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team Ihor Miroshnychenko mentioned the dialogue with Andriy Voronin and Anatoly Tymoshchuk regarding the language.

Ihor Miroshnychenko

— I had a conflict story with Voronin once. You know, Voronin, he is like an "adiesite", to rub his tongue. And once he said to me on the plane: "What are you, aunt, in Ukrainian? Can't you do it normally?". I ask him: "What does normal mean?". And just so you understand, Voronin at that moment objected, who would you think?

— Is it Tymoshchuk?

— Yes, Tymoshchuk. He said: "So you play in the national team of Ukraine!". It was such a revealing story, after which I would never have believed that Tymoshchuk could be a traitor. And then he sat Voronin down, and he didn't say anything more. I didn't care what Voronin said, for me the issue of language was fundamental. It is pointless to be the press secretary of the Ukrainian national football team and to speak Russian.

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