Famous Ukrainian TV presenter Ihor Tsyhanyk talks about whether Anton Tsarenko will be able to replace Vitaliy Buyalsky in the match against Zorya.

- I feel sorry for Vitaliy Buyalsky. I feel sorry for Lucescu, because without Buyalsky, what's ahead and who is there? A gunner? He has a different function. Tsarenko? Well, God willing, God willing, this guy will play, but Buyalsky - in a situation like this, when you need to score points in every match, it is very important.
Tsarenko came in very well, played a couple of times. He is a technical player. You know, he is getting used to adult football. It is very difficult to move from one level to another, we'll see. I still think that he is a little bit raw for an adult team. But he can refute my opinion," Tsyhanyk said on the author's program.