Italian journalist: Brighton hold De Zerbi untouchable

2023-04-03 11:39 Brighton is not going to let head coach Roberto De Zerbi go to another club. This ... Italian journalist: Brighton hold De Zerbi untouchable
03.04.2023, 11:39

Brighton is not going to let head coach Roberto De Zerbi go to another club. This was reported by the Italian journalist Nicolo Schira on his Twitter page.

Roberto De Zerbi. Photo:

According to a source, Brighton considers De Zerbi a key figure in the club. Moreover, the Italian coach is considered inviolable. The specialist's agreement with the English club is valid until 2026.

Under De Zerby, Brighton are currently 6th in the Premier League table.

Recall that the media call the Italian one of the contenders for the post of Chelsea coach after Potter's dismissal.

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