Chelsea owner Boely convinces Mount to stay at the club

2023-04-25 10:42 Chelsea's owner Todd Boley has been in direct contact with midfielder Mason Mount, trying to convince ... Chelsea owner Boely convinces Mount to stay at the club
25.04.2023, 10:42

Chelsea's owner Todd Boley has been in direct contact with midfielder Mason Mount, trying to convince the player to stay at Stamford Bridge.

Mason Mount, Getty Images

The England midfielder has not yet signed a new contract with the Blues, and his current deal expires in 12 months. According to The Athletic, the club's American owner has taken matters into his own hands in an effort to keep Mount in West London. Mason has been offered a one- or two-year deal with a significant salary increase, but this is significantly different from the seven years the player himself is looking for.

Liverpool, Arsenal, and Manchester United are interested in Mount's services, and the midfielder is also linked to Bayern Munich, which was recently taken over by Thomas Tuchel.

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