Press conference. Serhii Rebrov: "It is important to show that we are here, that Ukraine lives and plays football"

2023-06-11 18:41 On the eve of the friendly match with Germany, the head coach of the Ukrainian national ... Press conference. Serhii Rebrov: "It is important to show that we are here, that Ukraine lives and plays football"
11.06.2023, 18:41

On the eve of the friendly match with Germany, the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Serhii Rebrov gave a press conference.

Serhiy Rebrov (photo: P. Kubanov)

- Is tomorrow's game important in terms of the result or preparation for official matches?

- First of all, it is very important to prepare for the official matches. For Ukraine, in any game, the result is the issue. But we do not have much time, so we will consider this meeting as preparation for official matches.

- There is a war in Ukraine, terrible things happen every day. Can a football match give Ukrainians a little hope and positivity?

- First of all, I would like to thank Germany, one of the countries that is helping Ukraine the most during the war. It is a great honour for us to be here and to host the anniversary match. Football gives people in our country emotions that we have somewhat lost while watching the news and what is happening in the war. I told the players that we have to give emotions to our people to support them, we have to show our character on the pitch. This game is not official, but it is very important to show our character. It is also important to show that we are here, that Ukraine lives and plays football.

- What does qualification for Euro 2024 mean for the Ukrainian national team?

- We all believe that we can qualify. We have a very tough group, we have already started playing in it. Again, it is important that we represent Ukraine in Europe. It is very important to concentrate on every match, try to get points in every game, move step by step.

- Did you have any influence on the preparation of the Ukrainian national team for the match against England when Ruslan Rotan was in charge of the Blue and Yellows?

- I don't understand why we should talk about this game. Ruslan Rotan was a coach. Yes, if he asked me something, he asked me personally. But he was the coach of the national team. Now I will be responsible for the result and prepare the team for the game.

- What are your memories of the Germany-Ukraine match that took place in Bremen in 1997?

- When we arrived in Bremen, I remembered that I had already been here. But I think the stadium was different. Every city in Germany has a football stadium. Everyone here lives for football. So it is very interesting and important to play in an atmosphere of this level. I am sure that tomorrow the stadium will be full and will support both the German team and ours.

- Tell us about your assistants. Did everyone immediately agree to your offer to join the coaching staff?

- All the specialists I worked with at Al Ain, as well as Hlib Platov, agreed and were happy to work for Ukraine. The Association supported my proposal.

- Working for the national team and the club are different. Won't you miss the intensity of work that you had at the club level?

- I agree, it's a different job. But this is work for the national team of Ukraine. Any specialist from Ukraine would not refuse it. I am proud to work for Ukraine. I will do everything in my power.

- You worked for two years in the Emirates. What was the main reason for your return to Ukraine as head coach of the national team?

- Yes, I worked in the UAE, I think those were successful years. I wanted to return to Ukraine. I worked abroad for six years, of course, it was interesting. In any case, my heart is with Ukraine, so during this period I decided to come back and work in the national team.

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