The return play-off match of the Conference League qualification round between Turkish Besiktas and Dynamo Kyiv will take place next Thursday, 31 August. The meeting will be held in Istanbul at the stadium "Vodafone Park". We shall remind you that the first duel between the rivals ended with the victory of the Istanbul team with the score 3:2.

It is important to note that in the upcoming match Dynamo will face not only the opposing team, but also its fans, who are not only considered the most ardent in Turkey, but are also record holders in terms of noise support from the stands.
In 2013, at the Inönü Stadium (the arena that was replaced by the new stadium of the Black Eagles - the same Vodafone Park), Besiktas fans supported their team so fervently that they set a world record for noise level at a football match - 141 decibels!
After that, Besiktas fans were compared to a jet plane, as its take-off creates a noise level of 139 decibels - even lower than the noise level of the support recorded at the Black Eagles' stadium.
The world record for noise level set at Inönü Stadium by Besiktas fans:
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