Zorya manager Ihor Huz commented on the situation with the club's violation of the Conference League regulations.

"Before the start of the group tournament, UEFA sends each participating team a mandatory branded kit - balls, bibs of four colours, drinking bottles, medical bags with the logos of the organisation and the tournament. We received everything but the chevrons.
Over the past 10 days, we have been constantly corresponding with UEFA, reminding them of this oversight. Three days before the match against Ghent, the match delegate and UEFA representatives arrived in Lublin. "Zorya informed them of the situation, and now they have informed their organisation's head office. "We were not just waiting for these chevrons, but we also set up a machine in the locker room to put them on the uniforms so that we could do it quickly before the game. Nothing came...
As a result, we clearly outlined the details in the relevant report, and UEFA is well aware that our club is not to blame. So I want to reassure all Zorya fans: no one will take away a well-deserved point from the team," Zorya manager Ihor Huz told TaToTake.