Rusin has been included in Sunderland's starting line-up for the first time

2023-10-28 22:26 Ukrainian striker Nazariy Rusin, who transferred from Luhansk Zorya to English Sunderland in the first days ... Rusin has been included in Sunderland's starting line-up for the first time
28.10.2023, 22:26

Ukrainian striker Nazariy Rusin, who transferred from Luhansk Zorya to English Sunderland in the first days of September, today for the first time got into the starting line-up of his new team.

Nazarius Rusin

The 24-year-old footballer started from the first minutes of the match with Norwich (3:1). The Ukrainian failed to distinguish himself, and in the 71st minute he was replaced.

It should be added that since his transfer to Sunderland Rusin has already taken part in six matches of this team.

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