Yuriy Vernydub: "If I say that there was no penalty, they will again say that Vernydub does not like to lose"

Kryvbas head coach Yuriy Vernydub commented on his team's defeat by Dynamo in the 14th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Yuriy Vernydub

- First of all, I want to say that it was a good match played by both teams. Both Kryvbas and Dynamo wanted to win. We lost today, but I don't see anything wrong with that. We still played after conceding a goal. We went forward, wanted to win back, but then this red card. If I say that nothing happened there, they will again say that Vernydub does not like to lose. Watch the replay and draw your own conclusions about whether Beskorovainyi touched the Dynamo player. Then we will talk.

But it is what it is. We played football against such an opponent for more than 75 minutes. We wanted to score, and we had our chances, but somewhere we fell a little short, our luck turned away. I want to congratulate Dynamo on their victory, but we lost a battle, not a war. We will move on, every game is special for us.

To what extent did the suspension affect the team's performance? It had an impact, but it is very difficult to play with teams like Dynamo in the minority for almost the entire match. But we held on, played football and even created chances. No offence to Kyiv, they also had their chances, but they played with the majority. Our team wasn't afraid to play, didn't hit the ball anywhere.

During the break, I was telling the players that nothing terrible had happened, we still had a whole half ahead of us. There was no need to be afraid, but to come out and play. Every goal we concede is our mistake, and there are no mistakes. After the match, I supported Beskorovainyi, because I watched that episode, and I don't see a red card, I don't see any card at all. The man fell down on his own, it was a "drawing". I don't understand why the VAR doesn't see it, because there are so many cameras there and they don't see it. It's a mystery to me," Vernydub said on club TV.

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  • Владимир Си(dynamo1968) - Наставник
    12.11.2023 16:36
    В першрму таймі й коментатор це не заперечував, тільки сумнівався про колір картки. А в перерві якесь недолуге створіння робило артистичні обмовочки (начебто випадково), натяки, а потім запросило Іудушку, котрий взагалі сказав, що Ванату - жовту за симуляцію. З коментатором в перерві провели виховну роботу, бо весь другий тайм він вже торочив про сумніви а самому порушенні правил.
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