Rukh CEO Ihor Dedyshyn commented on the information that clubs from the top championships are interested in Bohdan Slyubyk.

- Igor Mikhailovich, is it true that Lazio, Wolfsburg and Union are interested in Slyubik?
- You have mentioned so many clubs that I am dizzy. We have not received any offers for Slyubik and no one has contacted us. I don't know who is spreading such information. It must be some kind of agent's game.
- If we receive an offer for Slyubik, are you ready to consider it?
- The club's position is that we are ready to consider offers for any of our players.
- How much do you value Slyubik?
- We do not value our players, we are not at the market. They are valued by the market.
Andrii Piskun