French Championship. 12th round. Match results

2023-12-07 23:23 Matches of the 12th round of the French championship took place. The matches took place from ... French Championship. 12th round. Match results
07.12.2023, 23:23

Matches of the 12th round of the French championship took place. The matches took place from 10 November to 7 December. Here are their results.

Чемпионат Франции, 12-й турЧемпионат Франции, 12-й тур

French Championship. 12th round

"Brest " - "Strasbourg " - 1:1 (1:0)
Goals: J. Le Douaron (44) - E. Emega (80)

Earlier matches of the tour:

"Montpellier " - "Nice " - 0:0

"Reims " - "PSG " - 0:3 (0:1)
Goals: K. Mbappe (3), K. Mbappe (59), K. Mbappe (82)

"Le Havre " - "Monaco " - 0:0

"Lille " - " Toulouse " - 1:1 (1:0)
Goals: L. Yoro (30) - T. Dallinga (65)

"Clermont " - "L orient " - 1:0 (0:0)
Goals: S. Nicholson (69) - T. Dallinga (65) Nicholson (69 pen.)

"Met z" - " Nantes " - 3:1 (2:1)
Goals: K. Van Den Kerkhof (3) Van Den Kerkhof (3), S. Elisor (28), J. Asoro (85) - M. Simon (12)

"Rennes v Lyon - 0:1 (0:0)
Goals: J. O'Brien (67)

"Lance " - " Marseille " - 1:0 (0:0)
Goals: Jonathan Gradit (90)

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