"We're not ready to compete for prizes" - Rukh's head coach sums up the autumn results

2023-12-10 20:17 Vitaliy Ponomarev, head coach of Rukh Lviv, summed up the results of the autumn part of ... "We're not ready to compete for prizes" - Rukh's head coach sums up the autumn results
10.12.2023, 20:17

Vitaliy Ponomarev, head coach of Rukh Lviv, summed up the results of the autumn part of the Ukrainian league season.

Vitaly Ponomarev

- I am pleased with the team because we have made a significant leap in results. Of course, there is still work to be done and room for improvement. We need to make a lot of efforts to develop our young people, because they still lack stability, which is why we lost points in the championship. Sometimes there are also episodes when players lack skill, but all this will come with experience. However, with the right approach, this team will eventually be able to compete for the highest places. Objectively speaking, we are not ready to compete for prizes today, although this is a sport and anything can happen in football.

"Rukh will work in the transfer market, but the primary task is to develop the existing players. Now we need to be patient and understand the game and the results of the young team. In addition, we have a very high-quality academy with good personnel. The philosophy of our club is to trust our students," said Ponomarev.

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