Vladimir Brazhko: "We have quite strong rivals at this training camp"

2024-01-23 07:28 Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Volodymyr Brazhko shared his impressions of the start of the team's training camp ... Vladimir Brazhko: "We have quite strong rivals at this training camp"
23.01.2024, 07:28

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Volodymyr Brazhko shared his impressions of the start of the team's training camp in Turkey.

Vladimir Brazhko

- Volodymyr, today's meeting started on a positive note with birthday greetings to Tymchyk and Neshcheret. Is it always nice to start work on a major note?

- Of course, we have to start on a positive note. We have good conditions here, good weather. There is everything for our fruitful work, so that we can improve with each training session, as well as in each match we play at the training camp. We will have quite strong opponents at this training camp, so we will prepare for the league matches with maximum motivation.

- Dynamo has changed its location compared to last year - a new hotel, a new training field. How would you rate the conditions?

- We arrived late last night. In the morning, we walked around and had a look - the pitch is of very high quality, the hotel is comfortable. Everything is at the highest level. All conditions have been created for us, we need to work to show the result of our work in the championship.
- Can you advise young footballers on what to eat during the preparatory period ?

- I choose fish or chicken, salad and pasta. Perhaps a first course.

- Can players have sweets during the training camp?

- I only eat sweets during lunch. In the evening, I don't want to, because tomorrow morning we have a control weigh-in, and you can get caught.

- The team will play as many as ten matches at this training camp. Is it more enjoyable to work in the normal training process or to play through the exercises given by the coaching staff?

- Both training and matches are important at the training camp. First, we work out in training, and then in games. We expect interesting sparring matches.

- Is there any special opponent for you at the training camp with whom you would like to play more time?

- All the opponents are about equal. I would like to play in every match. I hope to return to the general group as soon as possible.

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