Source: Real Madrid bosses no longer consider Barcelona a rival in the player market

2024-01-29 17:01 The management of Real Madrid no longer considers Catalan Barcelona to be a competitor in the ... Source: Real Madrid bosses no longer consider Barcelona a rival in the player market
29.01.2024, 17:01

The management of Real Madrid no longer considers Catalan Barcelona to be a competitor in the transfer market, Relevo reports.

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According to the source, in recent years, Real Madrid bosses have concluded that Barcelona is no longer their competitor in the fight for players. This is due to the fact that the "blue grenades" are in debt and have a lot of unresolved issues. For Real Madrid, the main competitors are the Premier League clubs and Paris Saint-Germain.

After 22 rounds, Barcelona is in third place with 44 points. Real Madrid, on the other hand, leads the standings with 54 points.

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