The coach, who was recently interested in Dynamo Kyiv, will not lead the Latvian national team

2024-02-03 11:29 As previously reported, Polish coach Marek Papshun, who, according to media reports, was of interest to ... The coach, who was recently interested in Dynamo Kyiv, will not lead the Latvian national team
03.02.2024, 11:29

As previously reported, Polish coach Marek Papshun, who, according to media reports, was of interest to Dynamo Kyiv in the first half of the current season, was among the candidates for the post of head coach of the Latvian national team. But the 49-year-old specialist will not be at the helm of this national team.

Марек Папшун

According to Canal+ Sport journalist Krzysztof Marciniak, the Latvian Football Federation is no longer considering the option with Papshun, who, as a reminder, has been out of work since last summer.

"There is nothing more to talk about the future of Marek Papšun in the Latvian national team. In January with him really thoroughly communicated about it, but in the end the issue was closed without results," wrote Marchiniak in his tweet.

We would like to remind you that along with Papšuns, Lithuanian Valdas Dambrauskas, Swede Janne Andersson and Italian Paolo Nicolato were candidates for the position of head coach of the Latvian national team.

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