Ukrainian goalkeeper of Real Madrid Andriy Lunin, who played a phenomenal match in the Champions League 1/8 finals against RB Leipzig (1:0), was included in the symbolic team of the week according to the authoritative portal WhoScored.

Lunin made 9 saves in this game, becoming the main hero of the match. Despite the fact that UEFA officially named midfielder Brahim Diaz as the player of the match, all foreign media and even Real Madrid head coach Carlo Ancelotti said that the credit for the team's victory was due to Lunin's incredible performance that night.
WhoScored not only praised the Ukrainian's actions, but also included him in the Champions League symbolic team of the week. Apart from Lunin, there are four other Real Madrid representatives in the team: Carvajal, Chuameni, Mendy and the author of the only goal Diaz.

Andrei Lunin's saves in the RB Leipzig vs Real Madrid match:
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