Artem Milevsky: "I want to become a champion with Dynamo not as a player, but as an employee of the club"

2024-04-21 13:43 Former Dynamo and Ukraine forward Artem Milevsky spoke about his return to football and more. Artem ... Artem Milevsky: "I want to become a champion with Dynamo not as a player, but as an employee of the club"
21.04.2024, 13:43

Former Dynamo and Ukraine forward Artem Milevsky spoke about his return to football and more.

Artem Milevsky

- Artem, tell us, how did you come up with the option of joining the IGNIS Media League club?

- I communicate very well with Andriy Shakhov Jr (head of Dynamo's press service - A.P.'s note), and he has a good relationship with the famous blogger Anton Skuratov. There are a lot of media personalities in this team - bloggers from YouTube, tik-tok, who are very fond of football.

I am also subscribed to the Rukh Media Team's Instagram. I really like their project. One day we were sitting with IGNIS representatives, drinking Argentine mate tea, and they offered to play for them. I agreed: "Why can't we make the same move as the Movement Media Team? Especially since we are from the capital, we are all known in the media space. Let's make a response to Lviv."

Everyone got into a good mood. I was immediately told: "You do realise you'll need to attend training, right?" No problem, I'm ready for such a project. My health is good now. But I immediately told the team that I did not promise to score ten goals and give ten assists.

In the early stages after intensive care, it was even difficult for me to walk. In the winter, I did a lot of work on myself and am slowly returning to my old form, so I wanted to test myself.

- Have you already trained with the new team?

- I have already had six training sessions, met everyone and I can say that this is a great team. The guys are great! Training at IGNIS is quite serious, like a training camp. I recently ran a race and my eyes went dark. We trained in the arena in Koncha Zaspa at the Dynamo base. If it works out, we will train there on a regular basis.

- When can we expect your debut on the pitch in the game?

- The debut is expected today, on Sunday. We are playing at Obolon. To be honest, it's a bit exciting. I understand that something magical is expected of me, but for me, it's a small victory that I will get on the pitch and play football after all these events. We will try to prove ourselves in the Media League and impose competition on Rukh Media Team.

- Have you ever thought about playing professionally? There are interesting teams in the same second league, many well-known footballers, such as Khacheridi, play in the amateur team Sturm (Ivankiv).

- It's a more serious level and different football, and my health was not good [after leaving the clinic]. I decided to start playing IGNIS with the guys and made a media move. I believe that something good will come of it.

- You received an offer from Igor Surkis to work for Dynamo. When do you plan to join the Kyiv club?

- Everyone is already waiting for me at Dynamo, asking: "Artem, is it true that you have been offered a job at Dynamo?". I answer: "I think Ihor Mykhailovych [Surkis] will not mind, but everything happens in its own time". I want to become a champion with Dynamo not as a player, but as an employee of the club. I think it will happen soon. Is it true that I want to work as a striker scout? Yes, I do.

- When was the last time you visited Dynamo?

- Yesterday I attended Dynamo's evening training session before today's game against Polissia. I called Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Shovkovskyi and asked: "Do you mind if I come? I want to watch the training and talk to the guys." He replied: "No problem. Come on down".

I walked around the base, the floors, went to the super-fancy new gym. I had a warm chat with the guys, with Sergei Fedorov and Oleg Gusev. At the end, I had a one-on-one conversation with Vanat for about two minutes. I am very glad to have met everyone.

- What did you tell Vanat?

- That I really liked his assist to Buyalsky in the game against Minaj. It was a great combination. It reminded me of our goals with Aliev. A classic! I said to Vanat: "You did everything right. Andrii Yarmolenko also likes to play like that - he passes and runs in. You just need to get a hold of the ball".

Plus, I told him a few tricks, but let's keep it between us (laughs - A.P.'s note). I hope that against Polissia he will put it into practice, score a goal and pass it to Buya and Yarmola.

- Do you think Vanat will be able to repeat your career?

- There's no need to repeat my career in full(laughs - A.P.'s note). Vanat is a slightly different kind of player than me. I told him: "You're doing well. Defenders should be afraid of you in the penalty area, just like they were of me in my time. They were even afraid to touch me, because it could have resulted in a penalty."

- What is your opinion: Has Vanat already outgrown the UPL, is he ready to move to the European Championship?

- Vanat still needs to play, play and play, to increase his class and level. He also needs to score every week in the Ukrainian league. He has great potential and, God willing, he will succeed. I wish Vanat only success. It is clear from our communication that he is a good kid.

- Do you see another Milevsky in Ukraine now - a forward who resembles you?

- No, I don't. All the forwards are different. Vanat has a different build, he's many times faster and sharper than I. I'm more textured, I could hold the ball and start an attack, and Vlad is more of a winger.

- Who do you consider to be the strongest forward in the UPL at the moment?

- As a Dynamo fan, I'll say Vanat. I want him to become the best scorer in the league and score in every round.

- Do you believe that Dynamo can win the championship against Shakhtar this season?

- I will believe in my home club to the end, but there is an unpleasant trend of losing points. If Dynamo hadn't lost points against Veres and LNZ, it would have been easier. "Shakhtar have not dropped any points so far and are going very confidently. But there are still eight rounds to go, so anything can happen.

- Do the Dynamo players themselves believe they can become champions?

- All the guys are in a good mood, joking around. They are preparing for Polissia in a great mood. I saw in their eyes that the team will fight for the championship to the last.

- Who do you like to watch play among the UPL teams?

- I mostly watch Dynamo's matches, but I can say that Kryvbas is playing well. Vernydub is storming, storming, storming this championship. Well done! Kryvbas is an interesting and distinctive team - they are going for it.

- You are a long-time Real Madrid fan. What do you think of Lunin's performance at the royal club?

- Back in January, I said in my telegram channel: "Why should Lunin leave Real Madrid? You shouldn't even think about it!". My opinion hasn't changed since then. The best club in the world, Madrid, olives, tapas (a Spanish snack - A.P.'s note) - fantastic!

Lunin won the competition from Kepa, plays in every match, brought Real Madrid victory in the penalty shootout against Man City in the Champions League semi-finals. What could be better?

I bow down to Lunin's calmness during Bernardo Silva's penalty kick. It's the same coolness as when you hit a punk. Lunin could have jumped to the right or left, but he read Bernardo completely and stayed in the centre. Andrii pointed: "Here I am!"

Will Lunin be able to knock Courtois out of the starting line like Kepa? Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let Thibaut recover first, and then we'll see.

- What do you think? Is Lunin in today's form better than the top Shovkovsky?

- No, no, no, no! Oleksandr Volodymyrovych is a legend. I remember when we trained with him at Dynamo, we sometimes played for different teams in a two-sided game. We were given a penalty kick and I was scared to approach the spot when Shovkovskyi was standing in the goal. Such emotions - just like in the game!

It was difficult for Shovkovskyi to score a penalty even in training. When he starts to "wobble" in different directions, you don't know where to hit - it's confusing. To score against him in training, I had to be 100% focused. Sašo is Sašo.

- If you could take three players from the current Dynamo to the top Dynamo of 2008, where you played, who would you choose? Who could strengthen that team?

- You don't have to go far. I would definitely take Yarmolenko and Buyalsky. And the third one... Hmm... I will choose Brazko in the middle of the field. I think he would definitely look as good as Vukoevych.

- Finally, I have a question about your personal life. A photo of you sitting with a girl in a cafe has been posted online. Can you reveal your chosen one?

- We are not ready to publicise our relationship at the moment. We're still hiding from the press, but judging by the photos, it's not working out very well (laughs - A.P.'s note).

- Are you in a serious relationship?

- Life will tell. Let's see how well I do this time.

- Is this a famous girl in the public space?

- Let me put it this way: look for us in the park.

- What gifts do you give her?

- I'm already a gift (laughs - A.P.'s note).

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