Vladislav Kabaev: "The way Shakhtar played was annoying, to put it mildly"

2024-05-13 19:28 Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Vladyslav Kabayev commented on NV 's match against Shakhtar Donetsk in the 28th ... Vladislav Kabaev: "The way Shakhtar played was annoying, to put it mildly"
13.05.2024, 19:28

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Vladyslav Kabayev commented on NV 's match against Shakhtar Donetsk in the 28th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Vladislav Kabaev (photo: fcdynamo.com)

- Shakhtar started the match very actively. Was there an instruction from the coaching staff to play as the second-choice and wait for your moment?

- No, of course there was no such thing. We wanted to put pressure, but we failed somewhere. But this is football, they have their own tasks, Shakhtar have a very good team. In the second half, they failed to do something, we succeeded. This is football, it's like playing chess.

- Did the penalty affect the team's morale much?

- Of course, every goal has an impact. But we didn't give up in the second half, we wanted to win back. Yes, you can say something about the referee, but you have to score yourself. I don't want to look for any other factors here.

- Shakhtar significantly slowed down the pace of the game, dragging out the time. How did it affect the players?

- It's annoying, to put it mildly, but I also understand them, they were defending their championship, they knew where they were going. I won't scold them. I won't say anything, but it's nice that they have cramps. We wanted to score one or two at our own pace. Congratulations to Shakhtar. If they are the champions, then, I hate to say it, but they were stronger in some matches than we were.

Andriy Pavelko

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