Ukraine's Olympic team starts tournament in France with a confident victory

2024-06-05 10:12 Yesterday, on June 4, the Ukrainian Olympic team began its performance at the international tournament in ... Ukraine's Olympic team starts tournament in France with a confident victory
05.06.2024, 10:12

Yesterday, on June 4, the Ukrainian Olympic team began its performance at the international tournament in France Tournoi Maurice Revello with a match against Indonesia.

International tournament among U-23 national teams Tournoi Maurice Revello

Indonesia (U-20) - Ukraine (U-23) - 0: 3 (0: 2)
Synchuk (9), Mykhaylenko (30), Fedor (59).

Ukraine (U-23): Neshcheret (Yermakov, 46), Krupsky (Fedor, 46), Synchuk (Khlan, 68), Drambayev, Pavlyuk, Mykhaylenko (c) (Shostak, 68), Voloshyn (Velyten, 68), Sigeev, Mykhavko, Bragaru, Kucheryavyi.

The first half was dominated by the Ukrainian team, and Voloshyn could have scored soon after the start of the match. And a quick goal did happen - in the 9th minute, Synchuk closed out Drambayev's cross. In the middle of the half, the Ukrainians doubled their advantage when they robbed the opponents at their goal: Mykhaylenko scored a well-aimed shot.

At the beginning of the second half, Drambayev made a good tackle. In the 59th minute, the blue and yellows scored for the third time - Fedir closed Synchuk's cross. Before the end of the match, our team created several more good chances, in particular, we can recall Shostak's shot over the crossbar. In the end, Ruslan Rotan's wards settled for the final 3-0.

The next match in the international tournament will be held on June 6 against Italy.

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