Ceballos arrived in Kyiv to sign the contract with Dynamo

2024-06-23 06:22 Colombian central defender of Brazil's Fortaleza Bryan Ceballos is one step away from becoming a Dynamo ... Ceballos arrived in Kyiv to sign the contract with Dynamo
23.06.2024, 06:22

Colombian central defender of Brazil's Fortaleza Bryan Ceballos is one step away from becoming a Dynamo Kyiv player.

Brian Ceballos

According to the telegram channel "Zorya Londonsk", yesterday the 23-year-old footballer arrived in Kyiv to undergo a medical examination and sign a contract with Dynamo.

Recall, earlier it was reported that for the transfer of Ceballos Dynamo will pay 1.5 million dollars, and Fortaleza will have the right to a commission from the next resale of the player. The Colombian will sign a five-year contract with the Bilo-Syni.

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