Oleksandr and Vlada Zinchenko open a restaurant in Kyiv

2024-06-28 15:53 Vlada, the wife of Arsenal defender and Ukraine national team player Oleksandr Zinchenko, has announced that ... Oleksandr and Vlada Zinchenko open a restaurant in Kyiv
28.06.2024, 15:53

Vlada, the wife of Arsenal defender and Ukraine national team player Oleksandr Zinchenko, has announced that she and her husband have opened a restaurant in the center of Kyiv.

Oleksandr and Vlada Zinchenko

"Our restaurant is in Kyiv. We have realized a long-standing dream with Sasha. We are waiting for everyone to visit," Zinchenko wrote.

The restaurant is called INCH, which means inch in English. This word is played on in the footballer's last name, Zinchenko.

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30.06.2024, 09:45
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