Jan Vertonghen retires from the Belgian national team

2024-07-05 21:36 In the upcoming matches of the League of Nations and the 2026 World Cup qualifiers, the ... Jan Vertonghen retires from the Belgian national team
05.07.2024, 21:36

In the upcoming matches of the League of Nations and the 2026 World Cup qualifiers, the Belgian national team will not have one of its most experienced players.

Jan Vertonghen. Photo by @BelRedDevils

The 37-year-old center back Jan Vertonghen announced the end of his international career. His last match for the Red Devils was in the 1/8 finals of Euro 2024 against France (0: 1). Ironically, it was Vertonghen's goal that took France to the next round.

During his career with the Belgian national team, Vertonghen played 157 matches, setting a record in the country's history.

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