Antoine Griezmann: "We lost to a great team - the Spanish national team"

2024-07-10 23:15 France striker Antoine Griezmann commented after the national team's defeat in the semifinal match of the ... Antoine Griezmann: "We lost to a great team - the Spanish national team"
10.07.2024, 23:15

France striker Antoine Griezmann commented after the national team's defeat in the semifinal match of the 2024 European Championship against Spain.

Antoine Griezmann

"We lacked defensive strength and freshness. The opponent was better. We knew that they hit from a distance, and we conceded after such a shot. We knew that Yamal was left-handed, but we let him shoot from his left foot. This goal crippled us, and the second goal in four minutes killed us. This is football, we lost today. But we lost to a great team - the Spanish national team. We cannot have any excuses. The opponent was better than us in everything," Griezmann said, as quoted by TF1.

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