Ihor Surkis: "I want to thank every civilian and military medic for every life saved"

2024-07-27 15:27 Today, medical professionals celebrate their professional holiday in Ukraine. Dynamo President Igor Surkis congratulated the employees ... Ihor Surkis: "I want to thank every civilian and military medic for every life saved"
27.07.2024, 15:27

Today, medical professionals celebrate their professional holiday in Ukraine. Dynamo President Igor Surkis congratulated the employees of this sphere on the Day of Medical Worker:

Ihor Surkis

"Dear doctors, nurses and all medical workers!

On behalf of me and all Dynamo players, let me sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday.

I want to thank every civilian and military medic for every life saved. What you do with your hands is simply priceless. Unfortunately, a lot of hospitals and medical facilities in Ukraine have experienced and continue to experience the consequences of the war and enemy missile attacks. Many civilian medical facilities and military hospitals receive and treat wounded defenders of our country. The doctors are selflessly working in the combat zone, in frontline cities and in the rear, where they are the first to come to the aid of Ukrainian civilians who suffer after every missile attack and every terrorist attack by Russia.

I would also like to congratulate the sports doctors who take care of the health and well-being of our athletes, our football players. The preparation of football players for matches and important competitions, the results of players on the field, as well as the success of Dynamo teams largely depend on you.

We thank you very much for your hard and responsible work. We are proud of our doctors, combat medics and all medical professionals, because they save the most valuable thing - people and take care of the health of our children.

Ihor Surkis

President of Dynamo Ukraine

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