Dnipro-1's commercial director Vyacheslav Fridman explained why the club did not sell Ramik Hajiyev to Dynamo.

- "Dynamo Kyiv and Polissya made official offers for Hajiyev. We don't know who is advising him, where he is, and so on. We could have received money for Hajiyev and paid off almost all the players. But we don't know his whereabouts, we don't know anything. We only know that he is being persuaded not to employ him, that he will be employed by terminating his contract. I don't know who they are - " PASS" or not (referring to the PASS agency - ed.). We'll figure it out later.
All the players returned to the club, they applied, we employed them. Some of them were employed, and our salary arrears were paid to them. We also hoped for this money, because we have debts to several leaders. We calculated that the amount was almost half a million for Hajiyev. Of course, we paid off at least part of it. But the man is nowhere to be found and does not want to sign with the leading clubs in Ukraine. The European Championship is over, and he didn't show up at the club. We would have employed him a long time ago and paid him with the money we received for him. We will understand who stole the players later," Friedman was quoted as saying by Tribuna.