Maria Konykova is the wife of former president of the FFU Anatoliy Konykov, who thanked everyone who supported her after her husband’s death.

“To everyone who wrote and to everyone who supported me, I say thank you. I haven’t replied to many, I am still not strong enough.
It was easier for me to record one video and respond to everyone: ‘Friends, I am not okay.’ It’s all like a dream, and this dream doesn’t end, I don’t know how much time I need, but I will cope with the pain and will keep only love and great gratitude for everything that Tolik brought into my life, it was a happy experience.
May God grant him a better fate for all the good he did for me and my loved ones. And you, friends, I ask you, remember Konykov Anatoliy Dmitriyevich,” wrote Konykova on her Instagram page.