Today our country celebrates the Armed Forces of Ukraine Day.
This holiday has always been celebrated by Ukrainians with pride and respect, but now its significance is special, as on this day we express our gratitude to those who are currently defending our country from hostile invaders who terrorize our people every day.
For three years Ukraine has opposed a brutal aggressor in the struggle for its independence, thanks to the courage and bravery of our Defenders, giving a worthy resistance to the enemy. Our Heroes are spoken of all over the world, admired for their resilience, and held up as examples.
All Ukrainians who are in the rear unite and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine in every way they can, understanding that the fate of their lives and the fate of the entire country depends on our military.
On behalf of the football club "Dynamo" and all Dynamo players, we congratulate the true Heroes, the Defenders of our country, and express them our endless gratitude. You are the support and defense of our state. The entire country takes pride every day in your heroic deeds; your courage and selflessness motivate every Ukrainian to fight the enemy.
We want to believe that good will surely triumph over evil, and soon all our Heroes will return to their loved ones alive and healthy, and we will all live under a peaceful sky in an independent flourishing Ukraine.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!