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Закончился командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду 2023.

2023-08-29 20:37 Закончился командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду 2023.

FIDE World Rapid Team Championship 2023 FINAL RECAP


9,868 views, Aug 29, 2023 #FIDERapidTeams

The inaugural FIDE World Rapid Team Championship took place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from August 26-28, 2023.

It was an event with an incredible atmosphere, friendly yet highly competitive. It was a blast for numerous spectators who witnessed top players in action and collected coveted autographs and photos. It was a valued experience for amateur players and kids who played alongside the strongest grandmasters in the world in pursuit of a common goal. And it was an incredible triumph for team ‘WR Chess’, which claimed the trophy with one round to spare.

We are already looking forward to the second edition next year!

Командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду — это командный турнир по быстрым шахматам, организованный Международной шахматной федерацией (ФИДЕ)

в сотрудничестве с WR Logistics GmbH. Турнир проводится с 26 по 28 августа 2023 года в Дюссельдорфе (Германия).


Командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду проводился по швейцарской системе в 12 туров.

По правилам турнира, в составе каждой команды должно быть не менее одного игрока женского пола, и не менее одного игрока, который на момент регистрации никогда не достигал стандартного, рапидного или блиц рейтинга ФИДЕ в 2000 очков Эло.

Этим организаторы турнира стараются обеспечить инклюзивность и разнообразие.



Бывшие чемпионы мира, в т.ч. Вишванатан Ананд,

Владимир Крамник,

Хоу Ифань,

Мария Музычук и

Александра Костенюк,

а также вице-чемпионы мира, победители Кубка мира, и бывшие чемпионы мира по быстрым шахматам и блицу.

Около 300 участников со всего мира, включая свыше 15 олимпийских чемпионов, сформировали 36 команд для участия в соревнованиях.


Учитывая опыт состава и среднеарифметический рейтинг, ФИДЕ выделила следующие команды как сильнейших и явных фаворитов:

Freedom (Ричард Раппорт, Вишванатан Ананд, Даниил Дубов, Сантош Гуджрати Видит, Евгений Наер, Полина Шувалова, Александр Шапиро);

WR Chess (Ян Непомнящий,

Ян-Кшиштоф Дуда, Уэсли Со, Нодирбек Абдусатторов, Винсент Кеймер, Прагнанандха Р, Хоу Ифань, Александра Костенюк, Вадим Розенштейн);

Kompetenzakademie Allstars (Фабиано Каруана, Левон Аронян, Гукеш Д, Себастьян Зибрехт, Нино Бациашвили, Кети Цацалашвили, Райнер Беккер, Манфред Шнайдер);

Chess Pensioners (Владимир Крамник, Петр Свидлер, Леньер Домингес, Дармен Садвакасов, Йованка Хоуска, Кристоф Барати, Деннис Кениг, Мирон Ананьев, Ярослав Ананьев).


Командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду применяет командный формат на основе швейцарской системы.

Команды состоят из 6-9 игроков. Продолжительность игры составляет 15 минут с добавлением 10 секунд за ход.

Система подсчета очков в каждом раунде начисляет командам 2 очка за победу и 1 очко за ничью.

За поражение очки не начисляются. Команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков станет чемпионом мира по рапиду.


Written by Milan Dinic. Photos: Mark Livshitz and Niki Riga.

Суммарный призовой фонд чемпионата составляет 250.000 евро.

Если по окончании турнира окажется более одного лидера, приз будет поровну разеделен между ними.

Призовая сетка:

Место, Командный приз

I место, 100.000 евро

II место, 60.000 евро

III место, 40.000 евро

IV место 25.000 евро

V место, 12.500 евро

I место «Меньше 2400», 12.500 евро

Итого: 250.000 евро

Турнир длится три дня:

Дата, Событие, Начало

26 августа. Техническая встреча, 10:30:

Церемония открытия, 13:00

Раунд 1, 13:30

Раунд 2, 15:30

Раунд 3, 17:30

Раунд 4, 19:30

27 августа, Раунд 5, 13:30

Раунд 6, 15:30

Раунд 7, 17:30

Раунд 8, 19:30

28 августа, Раунд 9, 13:30

Раунд 10, 15:30

Раунд 11, 17:30

Раунд 12, 19:30

Церемония закрытия, 21:00

Yifan Hou vs Mariya Muzychuk

The World Rapid Team Championship (2023) (rapid), Dusseldorf GER, rd 3, Aug-26

Italian Game: Giuoco Pianissimo. Normal (C50), 1-0

1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc6 3.Bc4Bc5 4.d3Nf6 5.a4d6 6.h3a6 7.c3O-O 8.O-OBe6 9.Bxe6fxe6 10.b4Ba7 11.Be3Bxe3 12.fxe3d5 13.Nbd2dxe4 14.Nxe4Nxe4 15.dxe4Qe8 16.Qe2Qg6 17.Qc4Rf6 18.b5axb5 19.axb5Rxa1 20.Rxa1Rxf3 21.bxc6bxc6 22.Ra8+Rf8 23.Qxc6Rxa8 24.Qxa8+Kf7 25.Qc6Kf6 26.Qxc7Qxe4 27.Qd8+Kf7 28.Qd2Qc4 29.Kf2h5 30.Qc2h4 31.e4g5 32.Ke3Kg6 33.Qc1Qa2 34.Kf3Qc4 35.Qd2Qf1+ 36.Kg4Qf6 37.c4Kh6 38.c5Qg6 39.Kf3Qf7+ 40.Ke2Qb7 41.Qc2Qc6 42.Ke3Kh5 43.Qd1+Kg6 44.Qd6Qb5 45.Qxe6+Kh5 46.Qf7+Kh6 47.Qf6+Kh5 48.Qxe5Qb3+ 49.Kf2Qd1 50.Qe8+Kh6 51.Qe6+Kh7 52.Qe7+Kh8 53.Qxg5Qc2+ 54.Kf3Qd3+ 55.Kf4Qd2+ 56.Kf5Qd7+ 57.Ke5Qe8+ 58.Kf4Qf8+ 59.Ke3Qf7 60.Qxh4+Kg7 61.Qg5+Kh8 62.Qe5+Kg8 63.Qd5 1-0

You may replay the game by going to


In Round 9 Ian Nepomniachtchi outplayed his compatriot Peter Svidler in the King's Gambit Accepted.

Nepomniachtchi was pushing from the very start, but Svidler was holding his ground.

White has a better pawn structure, and his pieces seem better coordinated for an attack. Still, Black is OK after the accurate 16…Re8. Svidler, however, missed a tactical subtlety and ended up losing.

16…Qb8?? 17.Nd6! Moving the knight to active position and attacking Black’s e5-knight. 17…f6 18.Qe4! White has a crushing attack.

18… g6 (if 18…Nxd3 then 19.Rxd3 f5 20.Qe6+ Kh8 21.Rb3 Qd8 22.h6! winning) 19.hxg6 hxg6 20.Rh6 Qxd6 21.Bc4+ Kg7 22.Rxg6+ and here Svidler had enough of suffering and surrendered. 1-0

In the first setback for WR Chess, in round 10 they drew with team Armenia. During the match, they were losing and only equalized when Vincent Keymer won his game.

While Nepomniachtchi has been a strong pillar of WR Chess’ success, in this match he suffered his first defeat in the tournament.

Playing as Black against team Armenia’s Haik Martirosyan, Nepomniachtchi was slightly weaker throughout.

Black has doubled pawns on the h-file and a more exposed king. Still, it looks like Black can hold after 29…Kc7, but it is not that easy to find. Nepomniachtchi’s focus finally broke as he started making mistakes.

29…Rg5? This active move failed to 30.Ne2! Be3 31.f4 Rg7? A costly error for Black. Ian’s only chance was 31…Bd5 although after 32.Bxd5 Rxd5 33.Rxh4 White is clearly better. Now, Black’s pieces are hanging all over the board.

32.Rh3 Nf6 33.Bc3 Nxe4 34.Bxg7 Nd2+ 35.Ka1 Nf1 36.Rf3 With another piece about to fall and already an exchange down, Nepo had no choice but to resign. 0-1

WR Chess’ R Praggnanandhaa defeated Etienne Bacrot ASV Alpha Echecs Linz in a miniature in round 11.

Bacrot (as Black) sacrificed a pawn in the London System and got sufficient compensation. However, a single mistake cost him dearly.

Black has nothing to complain about after 14…Bxd2 15.Rxc8 Rxc8 16.Nxd2 Bc2+, etc. Instead, Etienne played 14…Bd5?? which failed to 15.Ba6! Bxa2 Black can’t move the rook from the c-file, whereas 15…Rc6 is met by 16.Bb7.

16.Bxc8 Rxc8 17.Kd2 Nd6 White is now an exchange up and pinning Black’s pieces on the c-file. In the next few moves, White aligned his rooks and the c3-bishop was doomed.

Bacrot resigned on move 24. 1-0

Written by Milan Dinic. Photos by Mark Livshitz and Niki Riga


With just two draws and ten victories in 12 matches, the team WR Chess won the inaugural FIDE World Rapid Team Championship, securing the title with a round to spare. Team Freedom finished second, while the Indian squad of MGD1 was third

Altogether, WR Chess secured 22 matchpoints, Freedom finished on 20, and third-placed MGD1 had 18.

The champion was decided in round 11 after WR Chess won their match and second-placed Freedom drew, which meant they couldn't catch up.

The first place in the event also comes with a cup, medals and a prize of 100,000 Euros.

Second-placed Freedom received 60,000 Euros, while MGD1 won 40,000 Euros. There were three more prizes: Team Armenia received 25,000 Euros after clinching fourth place, while the team of Germany and Friends staged a great surprise, ending in fifth place and winning 12,500 Euros.

The energetic team of Columbus Energy Kings Of Chess from Kraków won 12,500 Euros as the best-performing team with a rating below 2400.

The special prize for the best game by a youngster was won by eleven-year-old Christian Glöckler from Hesse, one of the great talents of German chess, who is ranked fifth in the world in his age group. The CEO of WR Group, Wadim Rosenstein, presented Glöckler with the "Rainer Niermann Cup" for his victory over South African GM Kenny Solomon.

In an event that saw amateurs play side by side with world champions and super strong grandmasters, where even the president of FIDE took part (on the amateur board), the spirit of FIDE's motto Gens Una Sumus ("We are one family") shined throughout.

Закончился командный чемпионат мира ФИДЕ по рапиду 2023.

Final standings:

FIDE World Rapid Team Championship - Day 3


61,999 views, Streamed live on Aug 28, 2023

On August 26-28, the chess elite gathers in Düsseldorf, Germany, the for the inaugural edition of the FIDE World Rapid Team Championship. 40 teams participate in the championship. The stellar lineup includes former World Champions Anand and Kramnik, and top players such as Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, Aronian, So, Hou Yifan, Kosteniuk, Muzychuk, and Dronavalli.


FIDE World Rapid Team Championship - Day 2


Praggnanandhaa On Fire | World Rapid Team Championship 2023


117,565 views, Aug 28, 2023 #ChessBaseIndia #Chess #FIDEworldteams The World Cup runner-up is simply in the form of his life. He is currently in action at the World Rapid Team Championship 2023 and is a part of the WR Chess team. In the eighth round, he was up against GM Sebastian Siebrecht (2371) from the team Kompetenzakademie Allstars.

Video: ChessBase India

FIDE World Rapid Team Championship - Day 1


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