Calendar of games of the first round of the championship of Ukraine-2022/23

2022-08-09 20:45 The clubs of the Ukrainian Premier League received today for final approval the calendar of games ... Calendar of games of the first round of the championship of Ukraine-2022/23
09.08.2022, 20:45

The clubs of the Ukrainian Premier League received today for final approval the calendar of games of the first round of the championship of Ukraine of the 2022/23 season. It is expected that on Thursday, August 10, this version will be approved by the UPL, unless force majeure circumstances arise.

As expected, the base day of the 1st round of the next Ukrainian championship will be August 23. Dynamo Kiev will start the championship with an away match against Ingulets from Petrovo. True, if the White-Blues reach the playoffs of the Champions League qualification round, then this meeting will be postponed, since its dates will coincide with the dates of Dynamo's return match in the European Cup round.

1st round, August 23 (base tour day)

"Ingulets" - "DYNAMO"
Shakhtar — Metalist 1925
"Dawn" - "Vorskla"
"Dnepr-1" - "Alexandria"
"Rukh" - "Metalist"
"Minay" - "Lviv"
"Kolos" - "Kryvbas"
Chernomorets - Veres

2nd round, August 28

DYNAMO — Dnepr-1
Shakhtar - Kryvbas
"Lviv" - "Dawn"
"Metalist" - "Ingulets"
Vorskla - Veres
"Alexandria" - "Minay"
"Kolos" - "Rukh"
"Metalist 1925" - "Chernomorets"

3rd round, September 3

Zorya — DYNAMO
Rukh - Shakhtar
"Dnepr-1" - "Veres"
"Alexandria" - "Metalist"
"Metalist 1925" - "Vorskla"
"Menay" - "Spike"
"Chernomorets" - "Ingulets"
Kryvbas - Lviv

4th round, September 10

Shakhtar - Chornomorets
"Rukh" - "Dawn"
"Dnepr-1" - "Metalist 1925"
"Kolos" - "Metalist"
"Vorskla" - "Alexandria"
"Ingulets" - "Minay"
Kryvbas - Veres

5th round, October 1

"Minay" - "DYNAMO"
Metalist - Shakhtar
Zorya - Kryvbas
"Lviv" - "Dnepr-1"
"Ingulets" - "Vorskla"
"Chernomorets" - "Alexandria"
"Metalist 1925" - "Spike"
"Veres" - "Rukh"

6th round, October 8

Lviv - Shakhtar
"Dnepr-1" - "Dawn"
Veres - Metalist
Vorskla - Chernomorets
"Kryvbas" - "Minay"
"Alexandria" - "Metalist 1925"
"Kolos" - "Ingulets"

7th round, October 15

Shakhtar — DYNAMO
Zarya - Kolos
"Rukh" - "Dnepr-1"
Metalist - Vorskla
"Menay" - "Veres"
"Ingulets" - "Alexandria"
Chornomorets - Kryvbas
"Metalist 1925" - "Lviv"

8th round, October 19

DYNAMO — Metalist
Shakhtar — Kolos
Chernomorets - Zarya
"Dnepr-1" - "Ingulets"
"Vorskla" - "Rukh"
"Metalist 1925" - "Minay"
Oleksandria - Kryvbas
"Lviv" - "Veres"

9th round, October 22

DYNAMO — Vorskla
Minay - Shakhtar
"Veres" - "Dawn"
"Metalist" - "Dnepr-1"
"Alexandria" - "Lviv"
"Kryvbas" - "Ingulets"
"Kolos" - "Chernomorets"
"Rukh" - "Metalist 1925"

10th round, October 29

DYNAMO — Kryvbas
Shakhtar - Oleksandriya
"Metalist 1925" - "Dawn"
"Dnepr-1" - "Chernomorets"
Lviv - Metalist
"Vorskla" - "Minay"
"Ingulets" - "Rukh"
"Kolos" - "Veres"

11th round, November 5

Chernomorets - DYNAMO
Shakhtar - Ingulets
"Dawn" - "Metalist"
"Dnepr-1" - "Minay"
Vorskla - Lviv
"Alexandria" - "Spike"
"Rukh" - "Kryvbas"
"Metalist 1925" - "Veres"

12th round, November 9

DYNAMO - Oleksandria
Veres - Shakhtar
"Ingulets" - "Dawn"
"Kolos" - "Dnepr-1"
"Metalist" - "Metalist 1925"
Kryvbas - Vorskla
"Minay" - "Chernomorets"
"Lviv" - "Rukh"

13th round, November 13

DYNAMO - Kolos
Shakhtar - Zorya
Vorskla - Dnepr-1
Metalist - Kryvbas
"Rukh" - "Minay"
"Alexandria" - "Veres"
"Metalist 1925" - "Ingulets"
Chornomorets - Lviv

14th round, November 19

Veres — DYNAMO
Dnipro-1 - Shakhtar
"Dawn" - "Alexandria"
"Minay" - "Metalist"
"Kolos" - "Vorskla"
"Ingulets" - "Lviv"
"Rukh" - "Chernomorets"
Kryvbas - Metalist 1925

15th round, November 26

DYNAMO — Metalist 1925
Shakhtar - Vorskla
"Dawn" - "Minay"
Kryvbas - Dnepr-1
Chernomorets - Metalist
"Alexandria" - "Rukh"
"Ingulets" - "Veres"
"Lviv" - "Kolos"

Match statistics «Dynamo» — «Zorya»
11.03.2025, 17:33
Zirka" may cease to exist
11.03.2025, 14:35
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