UEFA and FIFA refused to comment on the situation with the decisions of the Pechersk Court on the UAF and UPL

Tribuna.com appealed to the international football organizations FIFA and UEFA with a request to comment on the possible consequences for Ukrainian football due to the interference of courts of general jurisdiction in the activities of football organizations.

Both UEFA and FIFA noted that they are not yet ready to comment on these cases.

“This is a domestic issue concerning the relevant authorities in Ukraine. Therefore, we are not ready to comment on this case,” UEFA told Tribuna.com.

FIFA refused to comment at all and redirected our request to UEFA.

Recall that the Pechersk District Court banned the UPL and UAF from throwing strikes on the 1 + 1 Media YouTube channels and deducting points from clubs.

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  • ЭШ Против кротов - Наставник
    03.09.2022 16:38
    Пока не поменяют ручную УАФ и УПЛ скандалы между ними и клубами Динамо, Днепр, Заря, Металлист , Рух будут продолжаться и дальше.
    Ну пока они им и плюсам на одно место соли могут только насыпась, вот собаки лаят а укусить не могут.
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