President of Desna Chernihiv Volodymyr Levin spoke about the prospects for the revival of the UPL team.

— Certification of clubs for the next season has begun. Desna has been assigned a place in the UPL for an indefinite period. Do you plan to return your team in the next championship?
- I can't tell you. We have not made this decision yet. Many events must occur on which it will depend. The main one is the victory of Ukraine in the war against the aggressor. After that, it is necessary to start building the academy, to assemble a team - not only football players, but also the staff serving them.
By the way, taking this opportunity, I want to once again thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for liberating Chernihiv, for their dedication. It was one of our first major victories in this war, which had a significant impact on the morale of all Ukrainians.
- Desna's club infrastructure is almost completely destroyed. Do you already have an understanding of how to restore it?
- The stadium was put in order a bit, the consequences of the destruction were eliminated. The field is in a deplorable state. The hotel was mothballed for the winter, since it makes no sense to repair it until the end of the war.
We have a project to build a stadium and an academy. A large American company wanted to become a donor of our project, but so far this is at the level of negotiations.
However, together with Autodesk [the world's largest supplier of software for industrial and civil engineering, mechanical engineering, the media and entertainment market], we have developed a special digital platform that will make it possible to attract a foreign partner to restore the lost infrastructure not only in Chernihiv, but also in any other Ukrainian city that suffered from the actions of the aggressor.
- What are the benefits of such cooperation?
— On this platform, we have direct correspondence with donors who can help us with the restoration of infrastructure. They are ready to come to Chernihiv and build a stadium. It will be an indoor arena with hybrid turf and an open field with natural turf. Now we are discussing the details.
- When did you last communicate with Alexander Ryabokon?
- About two and a half months ago.
- Were you surprised when you found out that he joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
— I think this is a serious and wise step on his part. I fully support him. The patriotic act of Alexander Dmitrievich is the best example and motivation for all our fans.
- After our victory over the Russian invaders, do you see him on the Desna coaching bridge?
— With pleasure I will return him to our football club. I believed and continue to believe that the success of the team is 50% dependent on the work of the head coach.
- How long will it take you to assemble a team after peace comes to our land?
— If the academy is ready, we will be able to restart the club within three months. It's not such a complicated process, really.