The well-known journalist Mykola Nesenyuk spoke on the subject of the recent program meeting of the president of UAF Andriy Pavelek with selected media.

"I was sincerely surprised by the noise surrounding the "meeting with the press" of the head of Ukrainian football, Andrii Pavelek. For example, the president of the UAF did not want to answer "hot questions", did not allow everyone who wanted to attend this meeting, and so on. As far as I'm concerned, journalists cannot have any questions for Pavelko, except purely ritual ones.
You ask, what about the criminal charges against him that are currently being considered by the court? Regarding this, it seems to me, Pavelkov should not be asked questions by journalists, but by investigators and prosecutors, to a meeting with whom he will definitely come when he is not busy. But I don't believe that anything will come of it. In our country, almost every head of a sports federation has been accused of something bad at least once. So what? Has anyone been punished? Has anyone been arrested? It will be the same, as it seems to me, with Pavel.
As for Ukrainian football itself, it hardly makes sense to ask its current leader any additional questions. Andriy Pavelko successfully integrated into the scheme of "oligarchic" football, which we had before him and, I'm afraid, will be after him. Except that the "oligarchs" will become smaller and smaller. For some people, Povorozniuk is an "oligarch." We do not see any moves towards creating a truly modern football structure. Everyone seems to be doing so well.
Hence, the next question is whether it is necessary to demand Pavelko's resignation from his current position? I don't think that could be the goal. Let's imagine that he voluntarily resigned from his post. What will change next? Nothing! In some time, the next head of the UAF will be accused of abuses. To change something, it is not enough to remove Pavelka in one way or another. All the more so because it is impossible to legitimately re-elect him - taking into account the experience of his predecessors, the current head of the UAF has carefully selected people who owe him everything to all positions of even the slightest responsibility. Why should they vote against him?
Is there real opposition to Andrii Pavelka in our football? Not just those who want to take his place, but those who seek to really reform our football to stop its relentless decline? Something is not visible on the horizon. So what to ask Pavelka about then?
Now I will answer the questions for me from those who will read this. There will be at least two questions. First, if you're so smart, why don't you suggest what to do? I answer - I have been offering for more than a dozen years. I suggest entrusting our football championship to professionals. As it has long been done in our neighbors Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, where the football league actually pays the clubs money! Real money, not the pennies offered to Ukrainian clubs by the current, let's say, "premier league".
It's easy to do. Another thing is that the professionals will ask those who are currently dividing the football money among themselves to step up. Very little money - Mudryk alone will earn more in England than our entire association with its "premier league". But these people have enough! And there is no advice for this yet.
The second question for me is if you are so smart, then figure it out with your "Dynamo"! I answer - since the fall of 2000, when the Ukrainian "professional football league" was headed by a former dentist from Donetsk named Safiulin, the owners of "Dynamo" have nothing to do with the management of the Ukrainian football championship. Unless one vote out of sixteen at a "premier league meeting". One club cannot, even if it really wants to, reform the entire championship! And the collective will for this is somehow not observed. Everyone is so good! And if so, what questions could there be for Andrii Pavelek?" Nesenyuk wrote on his page on the Facebook social network.