Just a phenomenal match took place in Brazil, in which, as part of the next round of the Paranaense League (Parana state championship), Atletico Paranaense and Coritiba met (1: 1).

Passions in this meeting ran high during the entire second half, and just before the whistle to end the second half, they turned into a uniform explosion. The players of both teams staged a mass brawl on the field, inflicting the strongest blows on each other with both hands and feet.
With incredible efforts, the players managed to calm down, after which the organizers of the match decided not to resume it. The teams had two minutes to play in the second half, and if the score had not changed (1:1), the match would have gone on with extra time.
We also note that, following the results of the fight, the chief referee of the match added 8 (!) red cards to its protocol.
We add that the former Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Fernandinho, who now plays for Atlético Paranaense, took part in this meeting. He did not take much part in the fight, but during the game he received a yellow card.
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