"Dynamo handed over four more off-road vehicles for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

2023-06-16 02:44 The bloody war against the brutal invaders requires every conscious citizen of our native Ukraine to ... "Dynamo handed over four more off-road vehicles for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
16.06.2023, 02:44

The bloody war against the brutal invaders requires every conscious citizen of our native Ukraine to accumulate maximum effort to bring about the desired victory. Everyone is helping as much as they can - some with words, informing society around the world about the cruelty of the invaders on the territory of our country, and some with deeds, having the appropriate opportunities for this. A little over a week ago, FC Dynamo Kyiv, represented by the club's president Igor Surkis, handed over seven off-road vehicles to our military at the frontline, and today four more vehicles have been sent to help our defenders.

Photo: fcdynamo.com

As with the previous ones, the keys to the "iron horses" were handed over at the Valery Lobanovsky Dynamo Stadium.

"It's really a pleasure to be with the people who are changing the history of our country, changing it for the better," said Andriy Shakhov, press attaché of Dynamo Kyiv, handing over the keys to the SUVs. "We are confident that only by uniting our efforts can we overcome this evil and drive out all evil from our holy land. By handing over these off-road vehicles, we sincerely believe and hope that they will help speed up the long-awaited hard-won victory."

On behalf of the military, Roman Polishchuk, deputy commander of the Luty Joint Assault Brigade, thanked the donated vehicles.

"Thank you very much to FC Dynamo Kyiv for this gift. In fact, it is very cool that in such difficult times there are organisations and individuals who are able to donate vehicles to achieve victory over the enemy. We really need these SUVs to carry out our combat missions. Together we will definitely win.

Our goal is to liberate the territories of our country, so these vehicles will be used to attack the enemy forces, just like all our combat units. As any military man will tell you, movement is life. If we have the ability to move around and deliver both personnel and ammunition on time, as well as evacuate the wounded, it brings us much closer to the victory we all want."

So let's continue to work together to bring the victory over the common enemy closer and continue to support our brave soldiers who are defending our native Ukraine.

July 1. Born today... Dubinchak - 26
01.07.2024, 12:11
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