"We need your support more than ever" - text message from journalist fighting near Liman, after which he was re-injured

2023-07-05 21:01 It is no secret that Ukrainian players and coaches often say words of gratitude to the ... "We need your support more than ever" - text message from journalist fighting near Liman, after which he was re-injured
05.07.2023, 21:01

It is no secret that Ukrainian players and coaches often say words of gratitude to the AFU fighters who are cleansing our country of the scum called "Russians". Many may have become accustomed to these words and do not realise how significant such support is for our heroes.

This publication, among other things, is intended to show the importance of support to all those who are under constant fire from the Russians while we are covering football, buying groceries in the shop around the corner or indignant with a representative of the building maintenance department about the lack of hot water.

Victor Ozhogin

Viktor Ozhogin. Company commander of the Dnepr-1 battalion. Honoured journalist of Ukraine. He has been fighting since the first days of the military aggression of the nonnation from the country of shit. Has already suffered a difficult wound in the leg and after rehabilitation returned to the front. But the last days have been really hard for him and all defenders of independent Ukraine.

The essence of the hardships that now fall on the shoulders of Ukrainian heroes is best conveyed by Ozhogin's text messages in communication with his friend, the vice president of Dynamo Kiev, Alexei Semenenko.

"...since 3 a.m. we've been fighting with pi*ars right from the trenches, they fucking crawled in like cockroaches. Apparently - cons, with paratroopers behind them... "1 - 200, 10 - 300, fucking shooting at everything."

"The paratroopers have already burned two of our positions, we still can't get 5 - 200((()"

"Been in hell for 24 hours. Came out of the underworld - once again. My company, you could say, no longer exists - they have beaten up the pi*ars with artillery and drones(((("

"Tasks sliced up every minute, one better than the next. 3 positions out of 7 battalion positions wiped off the face of the earth(((( We are holding on only by the fortitude and courage of the fighters..."

"We are being gassed at our positions by dropping it from BPLs. 2 - 200 and 3 - 300 with respiratory tract burns. One has to run away a certain number of meters in order not to get poisoned. Not everyone manages this. "There's never been a war like this on Earth, buddy."

"Mate, we need your support more than ever. We feel it and it's a relief, believe me."

After this text message, Viktor Ozhogin stopped communicating for several days. Then Alexey Semenenko received a call from him from an unknown number. It turned out that Ozhogin had been wounded again in the battles near Liman. In the same leg. There was a question of amputation.

Alexei Semenenko told our website more about it: "Bad premonitions came straight after this latest text message from Victor. And, unfortunately, those misgivings were not for nothing. A few days later I received a call from an unknown number: "Buddy, I'm alive but wounded. In the same leg."

It turned out that the wound was very bad. He was being taken through Liman and Kramatorsk to Kharkiv. The doctor after examination said that his leg had to be amputated. But fortunately, after consultations the doctors decided on treatment - they decided to put our football-playing journalist on his feet! Right now, Ozhogin is being taken to Kremenchug for a complex surgery.

Now a complex, lengthy and, of course, expensive treatment and recovery awaits Ozhogin. Our Hero is a man of pride, he will not, under any circumstances, ask for material assistance.

"Don't you dare, my friend, to ask anyone for any money!", is the only possible reaction of Ozhogin in this situation according to his faithful friend Semenenko.

But Ozhogin really needs help!

To everyone who can help the treatment and recovery of the Hero of Ukraine Victor Ozhogin, the bank cards of his daughter, volunteer Anna Ozhogina:

Monobank: 4441 1144 5966 3413

Privatbank: 5168 7450 2146 2863

"Victor has already had time to voice to me his plans after his recovery. First - to go to the front again until victory! And then - football again", - he told the story of our defender Semenenko.

Let us help you, friends! We are here, and our heroes are there for all of us!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our heroes!

Alexander POPOV

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