Jozsef Szabo: "Maksymov is a coach with character"

2023-10-22 21:49 Former head coach of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team Jozsef Szabo commented on the ... Jozsef Szabo: "Maksymov is a coach with character"
22.10.2023, 21:49

Former head coach of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team Jozsef Szabo commented on the success of Dnipro-1 under Yuriy Maksymov.

Jozsef Szabo

- "I'm rooting for Maksymov. Back when Dnipro-1 was looking for a coach, I said that Maksymov was a good option. Yura was a good footballer with character. So he is also a coach with character. He must have discipline in the first place - both on the pitch and in everyday life. He is slowly establishing this. It is noticeable in defence - the team consistently plays to zero. God willing, let it continue," Sabo said in a commentary to UPL TV.

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