AC Milan player accused of betting on a sweepstakes

2023-11-16 21:03 AC Milan defender Alessandro Florenzi has been charged with illegal betting, according to football insider Fabrizio ... AC Milan player accused of betting on a sweepstakes
16.11.2023, 21:03

AC Milan defender Alessandro Florenzi has been charged with illegal betting, according to football insider Fabrizio Romano.

Alessandro Florenzi, Getty Images

According to the source, the 32-year-old AC Milan defender has been included in the register of suspects because of his betting activities. If the player's guilt is confirmed, he will receive a long-term ban. As a result, Alessandro Florenzi will not be able to help the Italian national team at the 2024 UEFA European Championship, but the Azzurri still need to qualify.

Earlier, Juventus midfielder Nicolo Faggioli and Newcastle playmaker Sandro Tonali were suspended for similar charges.

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