Exactly two years ago, millions of Ukrainians experienced the most terrible day of their lives. On this day, every Ukrainian saw, heard and felt what alarm sirens, rockets, explosions, destruction, panic, despair, death...

The war, which has invaded every city, every home, has changed everyone. It has hardened us and revealed the best qualities of the Ukrainian people - freedom-loving, courage, determination, caring, loyalty, focus on helping and self-sacrifice. Having united around a common goal, we have become even better and stronger. Everyone has become a support for those around them, and everyone has shown the ability to support their loved ones in the most difficult times.
These are the qualities that distinguish free people, a free nation, and they are our strength and resilience.
Two years ago, military experts from different countries predicted that Ukraine would be a few days away from complete surrender. Over these two years, Ukrainians have proved that our people never surrender. The price of freedom is very expensive, measured in thousands of lives of Ukraine's best sons and daughters, and we pay this price every day. Eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for their homeland.
Exactly two years have passed since the start of the full-scale war. 731 days of unbreakable strength, heroism and hope. Our country has survived and will continue to liberate its land from the Russian occupiers.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to each and every one who defends our country!