Ukrainian midfielder of Lechia Maksym Hlan - about Shabliya: "This is the biggest problem of Ukrainian football"

2024-04-06 12:31 Ukrainian midfielder of Lechia Maksym Hlan shared his thoughts on football agent Vadim Shablia. Maxim Khlan ... Ukrainian midfielder of Lechia Maksym Hlan - about Shabliya: "This is the biggest problem of Ukrainian football"
06.04.2024, 12:31

Ukrainian midfielder of Lechia Maksym Hlan shared his thoughts on football agent Vadim Shablia.

Maxim Khlan

- You had a very large amount was prescribed for breaking the agreement. They said that it was around 10 million. I understand correctly, "Zorya" demands such a sum from you for unilateral termination?

- Yes.

- So now Zorya wants you to compensate them for the money, wants to actually affect your career, and you are fighting back by the fact that Zorya wanted to actually destroy your career with their behaviour?

- I'm not fighting back, they told me that directly. And not only me. In Ukraine it is a normal practice, we all know it. I do not hide it, I am not afraid to say it, because everyone sees only 1-2 players - stars, talents, but they do not know how many of the same talents have been buried. How many of them are gone, they are now working somewhere in factories and are no worse than those who are now playing in Europe. They just depend on some people in Ukrainian football, on some people.

- You're talking about Shabliya, I see. If you have already broached the subject, Shabliy is not your agent and has never been?

- He never has been.

- But he made comments about you, I just do not understand as who - as a representative of Zorya or...? I mean, it is no secret that he influences the transfer campaign of Zorya, many players are his in this team. He gave interviews about you, that you are not Ronaldo to dictate terms. What influence does Chablia have?

- I don't know at all why he made that comment. But I didn't take it negatively or positively. It makes no difference to me. There's just the fact that this man can affect your career in a very serious way - both in a good way and in a bad way, unfortunately. At the moment, I think this is the biggest problem of our Ukrainian football. And it, as I notice, goes even beyond Ukraine.

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