"It seems to me that Yarmolyuk did not mean the number of valves..." - sports doctor about the peculiarities of Yarmolyuk's hear

2024-05-17 10:48 Sports physician Dmytro Babeliuk commented on the recent statements by Ukrainian striker Yegor Yarmolyuk of Brentford ... "It seems to me that Yarmolyuk did not mean the number of valves..." - sports doctor about the peculiarities of Yarmolyuk's hear
17.05.2024, 10:48

Sports physician Dmytro Babeliuk commented on the recent statements by Ukrainian striker Yegor Yarmolyuk of Brentford about the peculiarities of his heart.

Yegor Yarmolyuk

"Yegor said that he had 'three heart valves instead of two'.

To begin with, it should be noted that there are 4 valves in the heart:

- Mitral valve;
- aortic valve;
- tricuspid valve;
- pulmonary artery valve.

As a doctor, it seems to me that Yarmolyuk was not referring to the number of valves, but to the number of leaflets in each valve, because only the mitral valve has two leaflets, while all the other three valves consist of three leaflets each.

Indeed, there is such a rare anomaly that does not affect the performance of the heart and often patients are not even aware of its presence when the mitral valve consists of three leaflets instead of two.

If Yarmolyuk simply made a mistake in the number and instead of four heart valves, he has only three and "the heart is held together by three valves" as he said in the interview, then this is a more serious problem that I doubt would not have been detected during the years of medical examinations in Ukraine.

Yegor clearly remembered "3 instead of 2", so I am more inclined to the first option," Babeliuk wrote on his Telegram channel.

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21.06.2024, 02:47
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