"Bukovyna wants to sign players from Dnipro-1, Minaya and LNZ

2024-06-01 14:52 "Bukovyna has outlined its immediate transfer targets. All of them are the wishes of the new ... "Bukovyna wants to sign players from Dnipro-1, Minaya and LNZ
01.06.2024, 14:52

"Bukovyna has outlined its immediate transfer targets. All of them are the wishes of the new head coach Valeriy Kryventsov.

Photo: Bukovyna press service

According to journalist Ihor Burbas, the Chernivtsi team's shortlist includes experienced Vitaliy Koltsov from Ingults, as well as four representatives from the UPL - Oleksandr Filippov (who is finalising his deal with Dnipro-1), Vladyslav Vakula from Minaya, and Vladyslav Naumets and Serhiy Shestakov, both of whom represent LNZ.

Bukovyna is ready to offer competitive market conditions at the UPL level to all of them. For the next season, the club aims to be promoted to the elite division of the Ukrainian championship from first place.

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