"The specificity of this joint complicates diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for recovery," sports doctor about the nature of M

2024-06-13 08:29 Sports doctor Dmytro Babelyuk, known for his work at Lviv Rukh, has spoken about the nature ... "The specificity of this joint complicates diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for recovery," sports doctor about the nature of M
13.06.2024, 08:29

Sports doctor Dmytro Babelyuk, known for his work at Lviv Rukh, has spoken about the nature of the injury suffered by Ukraine national team defender Vitaliy Mykolenko in the friendly match with Moldova (4-0) the day before yesterday.

We will remind, earlier the head doctor of the Ukrainian national team Roman Zholobailiuk said that Mykolenko injured the foot, namely the Lisfranc joint.

Vitaly Mikolenko

"The national team doctor confirmed Mikolenko has an injury to the Lisfranc joint. What is it?

Still, it was not for nothing that I emphasized that the player grabbed the foot first, because the injured joint is right in the middle of the foot.

The Lisfranc joint is a complex of bones, ligaments and joints that form the middle part of the foot.

It is not for nothing that the national team doctor says that the injury is interesting, because due to the fact that there are many different structures in one area - it complicates diagnosis, treatment and prediction of recovery.

We can say one thing for sure - there is no fracture, because CT scan is clean. After the MRI, it should be known what condition the ligaments of the Lisfranc joint are in, as well as the ankle, because often these injuries go side by side.

It should be noted that the Lisfranc joint takes an important part in stabilizing the foot when jumping and running, which is extremely important for the player.

The severity of the injury can only be discussed after the results of the MRI. But the fact that Mikolenko is mostly dealing with the foot is good news.

We are waiting for the MRI," Babelyuk wrote in his Telegram channel.

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