"We can beat anyone at this European Championship," Romania midfielder Valentin Miheilă said

2024-06-16 08:09 Romania midfielder Valentin Miheila told what he thinks about his team's prospects at Euro 2024, and ... "We can beat anyone at this European Championship," Romania midfielder Valentin Miheilă said

Romania midfielder Valentin Miheila told what he thinks about his team's prospects at Euro 2024, and touched on its rival for the first match at the tournament - the Ukraine national team.

Valentin Miheila

"As for the Belgian national team, which is considered the favorite of our group, this team certainly has great players, but I think that our national team can stop any team. I am sure that we can beat anyone at this European Championship.

The match with Ukraine? The first game at such a tournament is the most important. But we have no excitement: I see our team at every training session, I see them every day at the training camp off the pitch, and I can say that we are all looking forward to the first match.

I have seen many games of the Ukraine national team, analyzed every player of this team. Ukrainians managed to qualify for Euro 2024 due to the fact that they were a united team. So I do not want to talk about any individual players of the Ukraine national team. We are somewhat similar to our opponent in the first match at the Euros: the team progress of the Ukrainian national team also had a positive impact on its game and results," Miheilä said in an interview with FRF.tv.

Translation and stylistic adaptation - Dynamo.kiev.ua, when using the material hyperlink is mandatory!

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16.06.2024, 08:09
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